Monday, April 25, 2011

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

That is my motto right now.  I know, I know I'm a really bad blogger and I'm always promising to do better but rarely following through.  I also know that you don't want to hear my sob story about my crazy life.  So with that in mind I thought maybe I'd share a few things we've been doing lately an maybe a photo or two.  Since that's why you're here after all :)

So what have we been up to lately?  Well my little guy turned 7 recently and started playing on a machine pitch baseball team.  No more t-ball for him, it's the big time now :)  Too bad his 1st real game was canceled due to the CRAZY weather!

My almost 10 year old is dancing up a storm.  She will be performing an extra part in recital this year so that will be her regular part performed twice, the extra part and a separate jazz dance/recital.  She absolutely loves it and it is such a joy to watch her succeed!

My hubby is hanging out is Fresno CA when he's not flying all over the place.  Fresno is his home base for right now so we only see him about 24 hours every 7 days.  Lucky for us he does have some time off soon and we plan to soak it all up!

What am I up to you ask?  Well the usual...spending a lot of time at the gym, cooking, cleaning and working, working, and more working.  Honestly I don't really know how to sit down and do nothing.  I just don't think I have it in me.  Lucky for you folks that means more photos right?!

Well here's a few recent shots that I love...
click to enlarge

I mean just look at her!  Isn't she the sweetest?  And that thumb in her mouth-LOVE IT!!

click to enlarge

If you've been hanging out around here for awhile then you know I love me some squishy baby cheeks.  Especially the kind that go home at night and keep their own mamma's awake :)

Now that I've written a small novel I'd better wrap it up.
Until the next time I'm feeling long winded...


  1. Lovin' your photos, Ang, as usual! I'm amazed at all you do and how well you keep it together at the same time! What an amazing woman!

  2. Hang in there. And remember it is important to take time for yourself too!! I miss you!
