Friday, August 19, 2011


As usual I feel the need to apologize for my absence from the cyberworld.  I won't delve into too many details only to say that I was sidelined with a health issue and for the 1st time in a very long time I just plain didn't feel good.  School starts for my kiddos on Monday and hopefully by then I will have some answers to the health questions so I can get back to my usual snarky self :)

For now I'll leave you with a photo that literally tugs at my heart!  This sweet couple started out as clients and have become very dear friends.  Dear friends who have had MORE than their fair share of heartaches and trails.  Dear friends who have helped me out and picked me up when I needed it.  Dear friends that I can only hope and pray that I will be blessed with the opportunity to repay them for their kindness.  Dear friends who are waiting so very patiently to complete their sweet little family.  You can read more about their story at or then enter profile ID 42430928

click to enlarge

That's all for now...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Every once in a while...

The stars align and the perfect session comes along.  This was one of those sessions.  Perfect light, nice weather and yummy baby.  I have loved so many photos from this day but this one...oh be still my heart.  I'm in love!!!!

If blogger could just get the color right then you could all be in love too.  Seriously everything about this makes me smile.  The pink ruffly romper, chubby cheeks and long eyelashes oh and let's not forget the fingers.  Those chubby little baby fingers do me in every time. 

thanks for humoring me twice in 1 week :)