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We've been growing strawberries in our little flower garden for the last 2 years only to have the birds eat them all up before we get a chance. Well this year my kiddos had a different plan...they would pick them before the birds got to them. Needless to say they are a little on the small side but I couldn't love them more!
As I sat down to type this post my mind started to wander, which happens a lot :). I started thinking about all of life's little gifts. The small things that go un-noticed. The little strawberries I might throw out if I wasn't paying attention. It goes without saying that we are all grateful for our families, however dysfunctional they may be. But do we really pay attention to all the little parts of our lives that are made better just by living with the people we love the most?
The other day my hubby made the bed for me while I was gone working out. No biggie right? Well I'm usually the last one up so I always make the bed. In a rush to get out the door early I saved the task for later only to come home and see that he had done it for me. It was a fabulous way to start the day.
Along with the fun of the summer sun comes all the fighting and arguing when 2 kids are home together everyday. I have certainly spent my fair share of time refereeing all the disagreements. Well today I got out of the shower earlier to find them playing together and actually sharing their toys. It was a summertime miracle! Another one of those little moments I might've missed.
My life is full of crazy chaos 99% of the time. It's that other 1% that stops me in my tracks. I am truly blessed to have a hubby who works really hard and loves me unconditionally. I have 2 amazing "miracle" babies who are growing up to be 2 kind and compassionate big kids. I have an extended family that I can laugh and cry with anytime. I have a circle of friends that I consider family and upon whom I can count on anytime. I have a warm home to live in and yummy food to eat. I have a job that I LOVE that allows me to document the connections of other people who love each other. I am truly blessed and today I'm feeling incredibly grateful!
Just needed to put this out there.
(become a fan of Angela Lilyquist)